This allows us to understand computations in the brain, and how biological factors support or limit computation." "With this model we cannot just copy biology, but systematically change parameters and disentangle factors. Using this computer model, Jonas tested different hypotheses of how pattern separation works.
#Hippocampus anatomy dentate gyrus full#
But as we wanted to mimic what happens in the brain and use synaptic measurements we obtained previously, we implemented a network in its full size, with 500,000 granule cells." "In scaled-down models, we cannot plug in the measured synaptic parameters of the neuronal circuit. The dentate gyrus of rats, however, contains 500,000 excitatory neurons, called granule cells. Now, Jonas used these real-live parameters to build an accurate model of the network-a challenge, as usually, models of brain circuits are built with just 10 to 1.000 neurons. In previous research, Jonas and his team measured crucial parameters of synapses, the connecting points of neurons, and connectivity rules, which are required for understanding information processing in the hippocampal network in mice and rats. Therefore, we investigated how pattern separation occurs in the hippocampus, a key memory circuit," says Peter Jonas, Professor at IST Austria and lead author of the study.
"We need to not just separate similar patterns, but also store and accurately retrieve them, for example for when we next meet a panther. Making this distinction is crucial when being pursued, and something humans achieve thanks to pattern separation, the process in which the brain distinguishes highly similar patterns and triggers very different behaviors as a response: stroke the cat or flee the panther. A black cat is deceptively similar to a panther, apart from its size.